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Ny spoiler från Kristin om gossip girl
Spoiler Alert: Chuck (Ed Westwick) and Blair (Leighton Meester) will share a scene on Gossip Girl!
Yeah, this information is not-so-shocking we know, but the GG fanbase (or, more accurately, the Chair fans) is buzzing after a picture of Chuck and Blair standing together in what seems to be a tense moment was released. So what exactly is going down between the duo in the photo? We’ve got some intel for ya. Plus, lots of goods on Revenge, Secret Circle, Bones, Happy Endings, One Tree Hill, New Girl and so much more…
Monica: Tell me Blair is lying and Louis isn’t the father! Tell me this new Gossip Girl photo is of Blair telling Chuck he’s the father!
Can’t say either of those things, sorry! Should we stop talking then? Or did you want to know that Louis is definitely the baby daddy? (That’s what our source says, anyway. And this source hasn’t been wrong before.) Let me know if you want to know.
Deirdre: Dying to know about the new Gossip Girl photo! Any hope for Chuck and Blair?
I’m told they will have a heart to heart and Chuck does apologize for something very big/epic, but I don’t think this scene has the outcome you’re hoping for. Unless you’re a Dan + Blair or Louis + Blair or Dorota + Blair shipper.
Ny Ausiello Spoilers
The Secret Circle
Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Trailer 2
Ashley Greenes nya kärlek
The Vampire Diaries | Season 3 Episode 5 3x05 S03E05 | EXTENDED PROMO & Photos
The Vampire Diaries - The Reckoning Preview
Gossip Girl EW SPOILER !
I would love you forever if you could uncover any sign of when Chuck and Blair actually interact on this season of Gossip Girl. Will she tell him she’s pregnant any time soon? — Emily
I have uncovered. And yes.
Please, please, please give us some Chuck/Blair news! Or just a hint of how Chuck reacts to Blair’s pregnancy? #GG — @l0lliver
If I tell you about his reaction, it will definitely give away an important part of this plotline, so I can’t say what happens specifically. But you’ll be talking about it the day after. Believe. Me. And don’t forget to send me your reactions!
Do you know when we are going to see this Chuck/Blair/Louis triangle [Josh] Safran keeps talking about? There hasn’t been a Chair scene. — @wrightst3
The important thing is that there will be a Chair scene this season… and it will happen very soon. But I don’t think that sets this whole thing in motion as much as the great scene between Chuck and Louis will. (Note: The season’s first Chair scene and the aforementioned caucus of well-dressed gentlemen are not in the same ep.)
We know that Blair is going to try to keep the pregnancy a secret, but can we get some scoop on just how long she will be able to keep it from everyone? My guess is not too long. Thank you. — Melissa
Your guess would be correcto. In fact, three very important people learn the news next week. One could be someone mentioned above.
What the Duck is going on with Chuck and Dan? Is Duck the new Date? #gossipgirl — @simplecrazy8810
By the end of ep. 4, let’s just say Duck is on much better terms than Date after one half of Date gets his feelings hurt. I hate lover’s (?) quarrels.